Research fundings

Present research fundings:

Higher than 1.000.000€

  • 2024-2028 “Glass and sand nanocomposites investigations toward water and soil remediation”, Team Grant (ETAg) (PRG2115)

Higher than 800.000€

  • 2024-2028 “Development of nano-additives to optimize jet fuel combustion and reduce carbon footprint”, Thematic research and development Grant (ETAg) (TemTA144)

Higher than 200.000€

  • 2020-2024 “Recyclable nanocomposites for water remediation and heavy metal ion extraction from polluted water”,  Bridge funding (EMÜ) (P200030VLVB)

Higher than 100.000€

  • 2023-2025 “Development of earth abundant nanocomposites for dye degradation and green electricity production in aqueous media” Mobilitas+ Posdoctoral grant (MOBJD1200)
  • 2023-2025 “Medicinal Plant Extract Mediated g-C3N4 Based Photo-catalysts for Environmental Applications” Mobilitas+ Posdoctoral grant (MOBJD1204)

From 10.000€ to 99.000€

  • 2023-2024 “Metal or metal oxides nanoparticles based nanocomposites: electro-optical characterizations and potentialities of nanohybrid compounds in a context of sustainability” International Research Booster (IRB) (UGA), with IMEP-LAHC(Minatec, Grenoble France)

Former research fundings:

Higher than 200.000€

  • 2015-2023 “Emerging orders in quantum and nanomaterial” (TK134), Estonian Centre of Excellence (Archimedes) (2015-2018: TAR16019 / 2018-2023: F180175TIBT)

Higher than 100.000€

  • 2020-2021 “Use of polymeric nanocomposites in anti-viral additives and coatings” Targeted research funding (ETAg) (COVSG9)
  • 2014 – 2018 “Ultrastable metal nanoparticle synthesis aimed at applications in nanomedicine”, Estonian Personal Research Funding (ETAg) (PUT431)

From 10.000 – 99.000€

  • 2021-2022 “Nano-nutraceutics approach for in-depth study against existing issue of antimicrobial resistance, biofilms and fungal infections” Mobilitas Pluss (ETAg) (MOBJD1021)

Lower than 10.000€

  • 2022 “PhoNanoCap: Photoactivated nanotechnology-based device for simultaneous energy conversion, production and storage” (ETAg)  (T220017MIEQ)
  • 2021-2022 “Study of metal nanoparticles for Biomedical applications and application in nanomedicine”, PARROT program (ETAg/Institut Français) (T210013TIBT)
  • 2020-2021 “Structural and optical characterization of HfO2-CNT based hybrid nanostructures for photocatalysis and photovoltaics” (NFFA) (V210108TIEQ)