Prof. Dr. habil.  Erwan RAUWEL

Professor at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences (EMÜ)

Board member of PRO-1 NANOSolutions

Nationality: Frenchidentite_erwan

Status: Married, 2 children

Estonian University of Life Sciences

Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Chair of veterinary biomedicine and food hygiene
Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi 62, Tartu 51006, ESTONIA

Tel. : + 372 7313329

ORCID: 0000-0001-8950-1415



  • Habilitation (DSc) in Materials Science (2012, University of Caen, France)
  • Ph.D in Chemistry of Materials (2003, University of Caen, France)
  • M. S. in Materials Science (1999, University of Caen)

Present fields of research


Since 09/2016 Board member & chief scientist, Start-up companyPRO-1 NANOSolutions” Metal nanoparticle synthesis and development of solutions for nanotechnologies

Since 09/2018 Professor, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia

2017 – 2018 : Professor, Tallinn Univ. of Tech., Tartu College, Estonia, and Head of the group “Nanotechnologies and Materials Science” (01/2014 – 08-2018).

2014 – 2016: Professor, chair of Sustainable Energy. Tallinn Univ. of Tech., Tartu College, Estonia, Teaching of “Materials Science & Nanotechnology”

2013 – 2014: Extraordinary Professor Tallinn University of Technology, Tartu College, Estonia

2013: Extraordinary Assoc. Professor Tallinn University of Technology, Tartu College, Estonia

2009 – 2012: Researcher, University of Oslo, Dpt. of Chemistry, Norway

2008 – 2009: Investigator Fellowship, University of Aveiro, CICECO, Portugal

2006 – 2008: IEF Marie Curie fellow, University of Aveiro, CICECO, Portugal

2004 – 2006: Postdoctoral position, Grenoble, Minatec, collaboration with STMicroelectronics, France

2000 – 2003: PhD Student (MENRT), University of Caen, CRISMAT, France.

Present Projects

 Former Projects

  • 2015-2023 “Emerging orders in quantum and nanomaterial” (TK134), Leader of a research team, Estonian Centre of Excellence 2015 (2015-2018: TAR16019 / 2018-2023: F180175TIBT)
  • 2021-2022 “Study of metal nanoparticles for Biomedical applications and application in nanomedicine”, PARROT program, Principal investigator (T210013TIBT)
  • 2021-2022 “Nano-nutraceutics approach for in-depth study against existing issue of antimicrobial resistance, biofilms and fungal infections“, Superviso(MOBJD1021)
  • 2020-2021 “Use of polymeric nanocomposites in anti-viral additives and coatings” Targeted funding, Principal investigator (COVSG9)
  • 2014 – 2019 “Multi-scale structured ceramic-based composites for extreme applications”, Teaching staff, Estonian Institutional Funding 2015 (IUT19-29)
  • 2014 – 2018 “Ultrastable metal nanoparticle synthesis aimed at applications in nanomedicine”, Principal investigator, Estonian Personal Research Funding (PUT431)
  • 2015 – 2016 “Studies of perspective Earth abundant materials for solar cells and development of solar cell structures based on them”, Subtopic leader, PARROT program (33787YJ)

Honor and Awards


Postdoctoral researcher:

Dr. Priyanka Panchal (2023-): “Medicinal Plant Extract Mediated g-C3N4 Based Photo-catalysts for Environmental ApplicationsMOBJD1204

PhD students:

Mr. Reynald Ponte (2022-): Tin based nanomaterials as electrodes materials for lithium-ion batteries

Mr. Patricio Paredes (2021-): Synthesis of narrow band gap copper nitride nanoparticles for optoelectronic and energy applications

Master student:


Defended PhD student:

Dr. Keshav Nagpal (2020-24): Polymer encapsulation of zinc oxide nanostructures for photodiode for LED applications.

Dr. Siim Küünal  (2014-22): Metal nanoparticles synthesis applied to green housing

Defended Master students:

– Mr. Richard Erelt (2022 – 24): Assessment of nanoparticles-based additives in jet-fuels combustion

– Mr. Henno Kaeval (2021-23): Photoelectric Properties of ZnO Nanorods

– Ms. Heidi Enneli Granholm (2020-22): Effect of cobalt nanoparticles on Microsporum canis growth in vitro.

– Mr. Sven Petratškov (2020-21): Testing the efficiency of new fuels composed of diesel and nanoparticles.

– Mr. Martin Malm (2018-20): Research on filter materials for the removal of iron and manganese from groundwater.

– Mr. Toivo Viidalepp (2019-20): Development of a device for photocurrent measurement.

– Mr. Arnaud Behr (École Centrale de Lille) (2017): “Study of water purification using metal nanoparticles” (3 months).

– Mr. Andres Aasna (2015-16): Carbon hybrid nanomaterials for photovoltaic applications.

– Mr. Martin Salumaa (2014-15): Hybrid nanomaterials for photovoltaic applications.

– Mr. Siim Küünal (2013-14): Metal nanoparticles synthesis applied to green housing.

Former postdoctoral researcher:

Dr. Geeta Arya (2021-22): Nano-nutraceutics approach for in-depth study against existing issue of antimicrobial resistance, biofilms and fungal infections

Former project students:

– Mr. Rohit Kumar (2020-22): Study of metallic pollutants extraction and organics degradation in contaminated water using sand and glass based nanocomposites

– Ms. Harleen Kaur (2020-21): Study of biocidal properties of nanomaterials for the development of antifungal skin cream to treat pets and cattle


1. Papers published by the group:

Biomedical applications and nanomedicine

  • « Use of Aloe Vera Gel as Media to Assess Antimicrobial Activity and Development of Antimicrobial Nanocomposites » E. Rauwel; G. Arya; K. Praakle; P. Rauwel, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25(11),  5599 (2024) [REF]
  • « Investigation of the optical and antibacterial properties of biosynthesized ZnO nanoparticles using Thuja tincture » K. Nagpal, M. S. Rosario, K. Praakle, E. Rauwel, P. Rauwel Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2315, 012016 (2022) [REF]
  • « Artemisia vulgaris tincture-assisted synthesis of silver nanoparticles and their antimicrobial activity » Harleen Kaur, Kristi Praakle, M. Soares Rosario, Protima Rauwel, Erwan Rauwel Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2315, 012027 (2022) [REF]
  • « Assessing Cobalt Metal Nanoparticles uptake by Cancer Cells using Live Raman Spectroscopy » E. Rauwel, S. Al-Arag, H. Salehi, C. O. Amorim, F. Cuisinier, M. Guha, M. S. Rosario, P. Rauwel International Journal of Nanomedicine 15, 7051-7062 (2020) [REF]
  • « Optimisation of plant mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles by common weed Plantago major and their antimicrobial properties » S. Küünal, M. Visnapuu, O. Volubujeva, M. Soares Rosario, P. Rauwel and E. Rauwel IOP conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 613, 012003 (8 pages) (2019) [REF]
  • « Emerging Trends in Nanoparticle Synthesis Using Plant Extracts for Biomedical Applications » P. Rauwel and E. Rauwel, Global journal of nanomedicine 1(3), 555562 (2017) [REF]
  • « Silver metal nanoparticles study for biomedical and green house applications » E. Rauwel, L. Simón-Gracia, M. Guha, P. Rauwel, S. Kuunal, D. Wragg IOP conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 175, 012011 (5 pages) (2017) [REF]
  • « Biocidal properties study of Silver Nanoparticles used for Application in Green Housing » S. Küünal, S. Kutti, P. Rauwel, D. Wragg and E. Rauwel International Nano-Letters 6(3), 191-197 (2016) [REF].
  • « New methodology for the antifungal testing of surfactant-free silver metal nanoparticles for applications in green housing » S. Küünal, S. Kutti, P. Rauwel, D. Wragg, I. Hussainova and E. Rauwel Key Engineering Materials 674, 133-138 (2016) [REF].
  • « Special Issue on Silver Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Properties and Applications » P. Rauwel, E. Rauwel, S. Ferdov, M. Singh Advances in Materials Science and Engineering_Hindawi Volume 2015, Article ID 624394, 1-2 (2015) [REF].
  • « A Review on the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles and their morphologies studied via TEM» P. Rauwel, S. Küünal, S. Ferdov and E. Rauwel, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering_Hindawi, Volume 2015, Article ID 682749, 1-9 (2015) [REF].
  • « Silver Nanoparticles Study for Application in Green Housing » S. Küünal, S. Kutti, , M. Guha, P. Rauwel, D. Wragg, G. Nurk and E. Rauwel ECS Trans. 64, (47) 15-24 (2015) [REF]

Photoluminescence, photocurrent generation and energy storage

  • « Fabrication and evaluation of figures of merit of ZnO polymer-based hybrid UV photodiodes » K. Nagpal, E. Rauwel, F. Ducroquet, I. Gelard and P. Rauwel, Applied Physics Letters Materials  12, 061109 (2024) [REF]
  • « Surface-defect tailoring in SnO2 (CNT) nanomaterials via sol-gel routes and its influence on the cycling stability » R. Ponte, E. Rauwel and P. Rauwel, Journal of Materials Science Online (2024) [REF]
  • « Functional Nanomaterials for Optoelectronics and Photocatalysis (Editorial) » P. Rauwel and E. Rauwel, Nanomaterials MDPI 13(19), 2694 (2023) [REF]
  • « Relevance of alcoholic solvents in the growth of ZnO nanoparticles and ZnO hierarchical nanorod structures on their optical and opto-electrical properties » K. Nagpal, E. Rauwel, F. Ducroquet, I. Gelard and P. Rauwel, Nanotechnology 34, 485602 (2023) [REF]
  • «Revealing the Dependency of Dye Adsorption and Photocatalytic Activity of ZnO Nanoparticles on Their Morphology and Defect States » Y. Hendrix, E. Rauwel, K. Nagpal, R. Haddad, E. Estephan, C. Boissière, P. Rauwel, Nanomaterials  13(13), 1998 (2023) [REF]
  • « Tailoring SnO2 Defect States and Structure: Reviewing Bottom-Up Approaches to Control Size, Morphology, Electronic and Electrochemical Properties for Application in Batteries » R. Ponte, E. Rauwel, P. Rauwel, Materials  16(12), 4339 (2023) [REF]
  • « Significance of Hydroxyl Groups on the Optical Properties of ZnO Nanoparticles Combined with CNT and PEDOT:PSS » K. Nagpal, E. Rauwel, E. Estephan, M. R. Soares, P. Rauwel, Nanomaterials  12, 3546 (2022) [REF]
  • « The role of CNT in surface defect passivation and UV emission intensification of ZnO nanoparticles » K. Nagpal, L. Rapenne, D. S. Wragg, E. Rauwel, P. Rauwel, Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, Vol. 12, 1–10 (2022) [REF]
  • « Assessment of the optical and electrical properties of light emitting diodes containing carbon-based nanostructures and plasmonic nanoparticles: a review » K. Nagpal, E. Rauwel, F. Ducroquet and Protima Rauwel, Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 12, 1078–1092 (2021) [REF]
  • « Enhancing the UV emission in ZnO-CNT hybrid nanostructures via the surface plasmon resonance of Ag nanoparticles » Rauwel, A. Galeckas and E. Rauwel, Nanomaterials MDPI 11(2), 452 (2021) [REF]
  • « Selective photocurrent generation in HfO2-CNT hybrid nanocomposites under UV and visible photoexcitations » P. Rauwel, F. Ducroquet, A. Galeckas and E. Rauwel Materials Letters 246, 45–48 (2019) [REF]
  • « Time evolution of ZnO-CNT photoluminescence under variable ambient and temperature conditions. » P. Rauwel, A. Galeckas and E. Rauwel IOP conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 613, 012031 (6 pages) (2019) [REF]
  • « Influence of the interface on the photoluminescence properties in ZnO carbon based nanohybrids » E. Rauwel, A. Galeckas, M. Rosário Soares and P. Rauwel J. Phys. Chem. C 121, 14879-14887 (2017) [REF].
  • « Investigations on new carbon-based nanohybrids combining carbon nanotubes, HfO2 and ZnO nanoparticles » P. Rauwel, A. Galeckas, M. Salumaa, A. Aasna, F. Ducroquet and E. Rauwel IOP conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 175, 012064 (5 pages) (2017) [REF]
  • « A review of the synthesis and photoluminescence properties of hybrid ZnO and carbon nanomaterials » P. Rauwel, M. Salumaa, A. Aasna, A. Galeckas, E. Rauwel Journal of Nanomaterials_Hindawi Volume 2016, Article ID 5320625, 1-12 (2016) [REF].
  • « Photocurrent generation and structural study of hybrid nanocomposite combining carbon nanotubes and cubic HfO2 nanoparticles » P. Rauwel, A. Galeckas, M. Salumaa, F. Ducroquet and E. Rauwel Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 7, 1075–1085 (2016) [REF].
  • « Metal oxide nanoparticles embedded in rare-earth matrix aimed to low temperature thermal imaging applications » E. Rauwel, A. Galeckas, P. Rauwel, P.-A. Hansen, D. Wragg, O. Nilsen and H. Fjellvåg Materials Research Express 3, 055010 (11 pages) (2016) [REF].
  • « One Step Synthesis of Pure Cubic and Monoclinic HfO2 Nanoparticles: Effects of Temperature and Ambient on the Photoluminescent Properties » P. Rauwel, A. Galeckas and E. Rauwel ECS Trans. 64, (44) 19-28 (2015) [REF].
  • « Photoluminescent cubic and monoclinic HfO2 nanoparticles: effects of temperature and ambient »  E. Rauwel, A. Galeckas and P. Rauwel Materials Research Express 1, 015035 (2014) [REF].

Water remediation

  • « Nanocobalt based (Co@Co(OH)2) sand nanocomposite applied to manganese extraction from contaminated water » R. Kumar, P.Rauwel, M. Kriipsalu, D. Wragg, E. Rauwel, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 11(3), 109818 (2023) [REF]
  • «Sunlight-Driven Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue with Facile One-Step Synthesized Cu-Cu2O-Cu3N Nanoparticle Mixtures» P. Paredes, E. Rauwel, D. S. Wragg, L. Rapenne, E. Estephan, O. Volobujeva and P. Rauwel Nanomaterials MDPI 13(8), 1311 (2023) [REF]
  • «Surveying the Synthesis, Optical Properties and Photocatalytic Activity of Cu3N Nanomaterials» P. Paredes, E. Rauwel and P. Rauwel Nanomaterials MDPI 12(13), 2218 (2022) [REF]
  • « A colorimetric method of As3+ ion detection and quantification using hand-held Lovibond photometers » R. Kumar, P. Rauwel, M. Kriipsalu, E. Rauwel Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2315, 012031 (2022) [REF]
  • « Nanoadsorbants for the Removal of Heavy Metals from Contaminated Water: Current Scenario and Future Directions » R. Kumar, P. Rauwel and E. Rauwel, Processes MDPI 9(8), 1379 (2021) [REF]
  • « Electrochemical Characterisation of Co@Co(OH)2 Core‐shell Nanoparticles and their Aggregation in Solution » R.-C. Xie C. Batchelor-McAuley. E. Rauwel, P. Rauwel, R. G. Compton ChemElectroChem 7, 4259 –4268 (2020)[REF]
  • « Editorial for the Special Issue on ‘Application and Behavior of Nanomaterials in Water Treatment’ » Rauwel, W. Uhl and E. Rauwel Nanomaterials MDPI 9(6), 880 (2019) [REF]
  • « Towards the extraction of radioactive Cesium-137 from water via graphene/CNT and nanostructured Prussian blue hybrid nanocomposites: A Review » Rauwel and E. Rauwel Nanomaterials MDPI 9(5), 682 (2019) [REF]

Other fields: electrochemistry & thin films deposition

  • « Editorial for the Special Issue on ‘Metal Oxide Thin Film: Synthesis, Characterization, and Application’» E. Rauwel and P. Rauwel Materials MDPI 14(8), 1834 (2021) [REF]
  • « Redox reactivity at silver microparticles-glassy carbon contacts under a coating of polymer intrinsic microporosity (PIM). » D. He, E. Rauwel, R. Malpass-Evans, M. Carta, N. B. McKeown, D. B. Gorle, M. A. Kulandainathan, F. Marken Journal of Solid State Electrochem. (Short comm.) 21(7), 2141-2146 (2017). [REF]
  • « Recommended reading list of early publications on atomic layer deposition—Outcome of the “Virtual Project on the History of ALD”. » E. Ahvenniemi et al., (62 co-authors) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 35(1), 010801 (2017)[REF].

2. Former papers related to Metal oxide nanoparticles synthesis:

  • « One step synthesis of pure cubic and monoclinic HfO2 nanoparticles: Correlating the structure to the electronic properties of the two polymorphs » P. Rauwel, E. Rauwel, C. Persson, M. F. Sunding, A. Galeckas J. App. Phys. 112, 104107 (2012) [REF].
  • « Response to Comment on “Unusual photoluminescence of CaHfO3 and SrHfO3 nanoparticles” » E. Rauwel, A. Galeckas, P. Rauwel, D. Wragg Adv. Func. Mat. 22(6), 1114-1115 (2012) [REF].
  • « Unusual photoluminescence of CaHfO3 and SrHfO3 nanoparticles » E. Rauwel, A. Galeckas, P. Rauwel, H. Fjellvåg Adv. Func. Mat. 22(6), 1174-1179 (2012) [REF].
  • « Precursor-Dependent Blue-Green Photoluminescence Emission of ZnO Nanoparticles » E. Rauwel, A. Galeckas, P. Rauwel, M. F. Sunding and H. Fjellvag J. Phys. Chem. C 115(51), 25227 (2011) [REF].

3. Books:

  • P. Rauwel and E. Rauwel, «Functional Nanomaterials for Optoelectronics and Photocatalysis» Book of the Special Issue that was published in Nanomaterials MDPI (2023) [REF]
  • E. Rauwel and P. Rauwel, «Metal Oxide Thin Films: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications» Book of the Special Issue that was published in Materials MDPI (2022) [REF]
  • P. Rauwel and E. Rauwel, «Application and Behavior of Nanomaterials in Water Treatment» Book of the Special Issue that was published in Nanomaterials MDPI (2019) [REF]

4. Book chapters:

  • H. Kaur, P. Rauwel and E. Rauwel “Antimicrobial nanoparticles: Synthesis, mechanism of actions” published in “Antimicrobial Activity of Nanoparticles, Applications in Wound Healing and Infection Treatment”, Chapter 6, pages 155-202, Elsevier│S&T Books (2022) [REF]
  • S. Küünal, P. Rauwel and E. Rauwel, « Plant extract mediated synthesis of nanoparticles. » published in “Handbook of nanoparticles and architectural nanostructured materials”, Chapter 14, pages 411-446, Elsevier│S&T Books (2018) [REF]
  • P. Rauwel and E. Rauwel «Analyzing carbon based hybrid nanocomposites displaying interfacial phenomena with scanning transmission electron microscopy and related techniques.» Published in Microscopy Book Series#7 (EBook) “Microscopy and imaging science: practical approaches to applied research and education”, Applications in Physical/Chemical Sciences, A. Méndez-Vilas Ed., Formatex Research Center (2017) [REF]
  • P. Rauwel and E. Rauwel «Stabilization of higher symmetry HfO2 polymorphs as thin films and nanoparticles. » Published in ”Hafnium: Chemical Characteristics, Production and Applications” edited by Nova Science Publishers, inc. Chap. 4, p 77 – 111 (2014) [REF].
  • P. Rauwel and E. Rauwel «Probing the Electronic Structure of HfO2 polymorphs via Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy.» Published in Microscopy Book Series#6 (Ebook) “Microscopy: Advances in scientific research and education”, Applications in Physical/Chemical Sciences_Electron Microscopies, A. Méndez-Vilas Ed., Formatex Research Center (2014) [REF].

Guest editing:

  • 2022-23: Special Issue ‘Functional Nanomaterials for Optoelectronics and Photocatalysis’ in ‘Nanomaterials’, MDPI. [weblink]
  • 2019-21: Special Issue ‘Metal Oxide Thin Films: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications’ appearing in ‘Materials’, MDPI [weblink]
  • 2018-19: Special Issue ‘Application and Behavior of Nanomaterials in Water Treatment’ in ‘Nanomaterials’, MDPI. [weblink]